Tuesday, September 4, 2012

letterpress adoption

 a tow truck wenching a 1500 lb. Chandler & Price out of a basement/press and guillotine cutter strapped to the flatbed for the slow 90 minute ride home/old gauge pin box/old style Chandler & Price baby

In August I moved the remainder of my letterpress equipment from Champaign, Illinois home to stay. It's been an exhausting and wonderful experience. Harry King, the elderly printer that I purchased the presses from, shared many stories and knowledge about the presses and their history with me. I will forever remember the days spent in his fume-filled basement full of rooms of presses, type, ink and other modern and antique letterpress supplies, most of which he all gave to me. I look forward to creating many more memories and becoming a part of their history. 

Long live letterpress!

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